More info pertaining to Talcum Powder page.
The info in this post is a quick update on other things you can do with Talc, it is an adjunct to info in “A Polishers Handbook” and continues on from the last section ended on Talc page shown as below:
Talc can also be used to make an excellent chalk paint as a very fine dry abrasive or an abrasive cream, as lubricant to add slip on bench-tops, machinery, drawer runners, etc. and can be added to shellac as a grain filler. Our talc is much finer than ordinary body talc and completely free from perfumes, corn starch and other minerals that may harm a finish. It is also ideal for use as a body talc for people who are allergic to perfumes and other additives. There are many more practical uses for this amazing powder, from soaking up oil spills to… um let your imagination run wild.
Chalk paint is easily made at home by mixing Latex Paint with chalk (calcium carbonate), or Plaster of Paris, or Baking Soda or a combination of some or all.
If you want a really smooth no clog mix that can be brushed, rolled or sprayed use our super fine Talc and the recipe below.
Mix well, 1 part talc with 5 to 6 parts Latex paint (white or coloured). The talc will mix in easily and evenly and will not clog or dramatically thicken the paint like some others will.
Brush or roll the paint mixture onto the work piece at original thickness. Two coats are better than one and should be able to be done within a few hrs of the first application.
To spray the mixture, you may need to thin it with water. Try adding 10% water to the mix and if it needs it half that much again until you get an even spray pattern.
Always sand the work piece prior to first application. This will ensure the paint can adhere to the wood or the previous surface coating.
To colour the paint you can use our Non Toxic Water Dye
Waxing the finish, can be done with our Traditional Wax Neutral for a clear sheen or Cedar, Walnut or Baltic Pine to give a bit of patina, rustic, antique or dirty look to the finished surface.
For tougher surface finish use:
White Shellac Dewaxed: this will give a clear to very slight pale yellow colour to a white finish.
Hard Shellac: very hard and durable with the same colour finish on white as above.
Orange Flake Shellac: will give a gold colour finish to white.
As a dry abrasive our ultra fine Talc can be rubbed dry onto a finish to give a beautiful silky soft, sensual sheen to many surfaces.
As a wet abrasive mix a little bit of Talc with some of our FoodSafe Plus to give a slurry and use this to rub over the surface to get rid of fine line blemishes and give an enhanced, sensual look and feel to your finish.
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