Author - ubeaut


Please read the Information Sheet when you purchase a product from us. All Info Sheets can be found HERE The below is an example as to why you should read the Information sheet. It is an email exchange from 2008. The following content has been heavily censored for language, abuse, threats, etc. A gentleman (I use the term very loosely) in a foreign, semi English speaking "all y'all" country, complaining that our Shellawax was the worst product ever put on the market. Lots...


Sanding Sealer & Water Dye PROBLEM

  Our Sanding Sealer is shellac based and its purpose is to raise the grain after sanding. When dry the sealer makes the raised grain go brittle and makes it really easy to remove these annoying nibs that otherwise would make`a final finish feel like a hand full of sand has been thrown into the wet finish. The dried Sealer isn't actually sanded off, but instead it's wiped over with a fine grit abrasive (800 grit or even better still 1200 grit)...


WELCOME (a bit of fun)

  Jan 15, 2021 Welcome to: U-Beaut Polishes ARTICLES FROM UBEAUT(Neil) Hopefully over time this section will build to be filled with lots of very informative, interesting and helpful post, photos and videos. Not just on our U-Beaut products but finishing and associated products in general. Before we go any further lets look at, and explain, the name U-Beaut Polishes ®: U-Beaut Pronounced: u (as in you) and beaut as in beautiful or beauty  IT'S NOT: ub-e-at or u-beat or u-but, u-boot or u-brute” U-Beaut: Australian slang. Abbreviation of: “You little beauty!" "You...